Handan Fudong National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, robot assisted transformation of scienti


· “National brand name”

With scientific research as the "core", organic vegetables and laying hens as the two leading industries, develop "logistics distribution center" and create "agricultural tourism".

This is the main development direction of Handan Fudong national modern agricultural industrial park.

In recent years, Handan Fudong modern agricultural industrial park has developed a new type of agricultural tourism road with standardized management, efficient operation, transformation and upgrading through park launching, market driving and industrial driving. It has become the first national modern agricultural industrial park in Hebei Province and the only national modern agricultural industrial park established by Development Zone in China, which has been listed as "national brand" successfully.

In the Yikang agricultural experience Park of the industrial park, tourists can rent land to experience farming, pick fresh vegetables in greenhouses, experience fishing fun by the pond, enjoy flowers in spring, pick flowers in summer and autumn in the orchard.

In addition to Yikang agricultural experience Park, the park also focuses on the development of more than ten leisure and sightseeing agricultural parks such as Xinwei agriculture and Yikang technology.

· Aubo helps

"In the construction of agricultural tourism, how to avoid the situation of overlapping industries and take the road with its own characteristics?"

Handan Fudong National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park decided to take the innovative road of scientific and technological construction of agricultural tourism, and successfully introduced the Australian Museum robot - "Xiaoao" to help the local new agricultural tourism.

1.1 Welcome to Xiaoao

· As soon as you enter the exhibition hall of the Agricultural Industrial Park, you can see the "Xiaoao" standing at the door to greet the guests. The high-definition camera setting and custom voice dialogue function of Xiaoao make the autonomous welcome and VIP welcome of the agricultural industrial park more intelligent and scientific.

·  "Xiao Ao, Xiao Ao, take me to the toilet." "Xiao Ao, Xiao Ao, play the song." "Xiaoao, Xiaoao, am I handsome?" ······

These questions can be answered smoothly and smoothly, which not only saves labor costs for the exhibition hall of Agricultural Industrial Park, but also adds a lot of interest and diversity for the exhibition hall to welcome guests independently.

1.2 Introduction to Xiaoao

· As there are many explanation items in the exhibition hall of Agricultural Industrial Park, and the batch and quantity of tourists are uncertain, "Xiaoao" can set up multi-point explanation on the map after the construction of the map to help the exhibition hall operate efficiently and help tourists to conduct accurate navigation.

· During the cruise explanation process, the "small Australia" can also play video or pictures through the hand action setting of "Xiao Ao" and the display screen setting in front of the chest of "Xiao Ao", so as to make the explanation process more vivid and attractive.

Handan Fudong National Agricultural Industrial Park and robot "Xiaoao", the wonderful collision between agricultural industry and advanced science and technology has added a force for Handan Fudong National Agricultural Industrial Park to further break through the traditional bottleneck of agricultural tourism road.