Aubo explains robot assistance! More views on the painting exhibition of Guiyang Art Museum


Aubo's robot assisted exhibition in Guiyang Art Museum

Sponsored by the Publicity Department of Guizhou provincial Party committee, the exhibition of Guizhou anti poverty group Yingpu cartoon was officially launched on November 11. The exhibition is a cartoon work of Guizhou poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation group Yingpu created by national cartoon fans and Guizhou teenagers. Aobo robot Pepe is specially employed as robot commentator.

The exhibition specially invited the domestic professional cartoon team to make artistic creation for 21 representatives of Guizhou poverty alleviation group Yingpu, and at the same time, the exhibition also invited young cartoon fans from the whole province to tell stories of heroes with comics.

Painting stories and other forms reproduce the touching deeds and spiritual outlook of Qunying in poverty alleviation. In addition to comics, the exhibition will also include calligraphy, reliefs, peasant paintings, dustpan paintings and other art works.

Aubo robot Pepe is specially appointed as a robot commentator to explain and interact with you on the spot. In the three main sections of the exhibition, the featured exhibition area, we can explain Guizhou characteristic cultural works.

The function of Pepe is more than that, but also can welcome guests, explain, guide shopping, marketing, consulting, entertainment interaction, host guest shows, promote products, and teach. In the uninterrupted group visit activities, the robot can automatically cycle operation according to the self-defined working mode and walking line of the sponsor to complete the safe and efficient propaganda and reception work.