Tourism + Dabai robot helps tourism industry development


Conference on tourism industry development assisted by tourism + robot

Robot Dabai appeared at the tourism industry development conference of Jiangxi Province in 2018. As a welcome reception for service robots, the conference was hosted by Jiangxi provincial Party committee and government, and undertaken by Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Committee, Fuzhou municipal Party committee and municipal government. Vice Governor Wu zhongqiong presided over the meeting.

China has basically entered the "fourth consumer society", economic growth has entered the stage of high-quality development, and national consumption pays more attention to quality. Affected by this, domestic tourism consumption is also facing significant changes in quality upgrading. People's demand for high-quality tourism services will rise rapidly. It is imperative for travel agencies, scenic spots, hotels, airports, railway stations and other related industries and departments to improve services.

AOBO has previously launched the robot Dabai, which is suitable for tourist attractions and as an intelligent service robot in the hotel industry. It can serve as a welcome, explanation, tour guide and other tasks. The image of professional, interesting and scientific and technological sense makes visitors relaxed and happy in the whole visit process, enhances the sense of experience, improves the level and connotation of the exhibition hall, and enables visitors to pay attention to the exhibition hall In the exhibition hall needs to promote the product or service content, better promote the exhibition hall brand publicity and good word-of-mouth.

Dabai is an intelligent business service robot developed by Aobo robot. It is oriented to meet the needs of users in the industry and provides friendly interactive experience. Through deep integration with professional working scenes, Aubo will continue to explore other application scenarios, including tourism, to provide intelligent services.